Amy, you'd need to follow yuletide-admin over on LJ.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Thanks, Anne.
The flaw in that vid is that it seems to be using footage from an episode of Buffy that does not exist.
Yes, I know. That makes me one of those fangirls. But I thought he was an interesting bad guy without that ep and really weird with it.
In the episode I remember, he tried to kill and turn her.
On the other hand, I expect the Loki apologists (I'm not apologising for Spike--I'm redacting) saw a different version of Thor from me. It's all good.
The flaw in that vid is that it seems to be using footage from an episode of Buffy that does not exist.
Okay, so not just me. I thought I was losing my mind.
The flaw in that vid is that it seems to be using footage from an episode of Buffy that does not exist.
I feel stupid: what do you mean?
I don't really understand either.
Also, I hate portmanteau ship names! I know this is no surprise, but I have to say it again. HATE.
Me? I've rewritten Simply Red to have a murder & turn attempt (because he wants to drag her to his level, he wants her bound to him forever, because that is some control). The rape attempt *never* worked for me, even more with the lack of aftermath than the motivation to try in the first place. Such a bad idea, since it wasn't written well, but hey/ We don't make canon, we only consume it.
I am almost impressed that some segment of fandom has decided to call the Tony/Steve/Bruce relationship "Stark Spangled Banner."
I did not know that Steve was in that ship. I've only seen it used to refer to the science bros. Which made me give it a begrudging nod of the head, because it's a brilliant name, but either Pepper or Steve gets Tony. No Bruce bullshit, not even timesharing.
I did it. I signed up for Yuletide. Ahahahaha.