I've always wondered what happened to them between times. Peter was more than old enough to get married and have kids.
Yeah, that's something I need to deal with. I suspect there's a lot of arguing about the succession, and politics. Because in reality they would have wanted to secure the succession; on the other hand it probably wouldn't have occurred to them that all four of them would be lost simultaneously. And they were quite young, still, so what was the rush?
There's a certain school of thought in Narnia fandom, that the novels are not entirely reliable: basically that they are fairy-tale/children's story versions of something that was rather more difficult and complicated. Lewis never mentions the succession, and in fact really elides dealing with the fact that they left Narnia leaderless and possibly unprotected.
Pioneers doesn't really work, and Outlander is too much Diana Gabaldon's now. Expatriates, maybe, but I wouldn't mind something conveying people settling in and committing to the new place. Colonist doesn't work, either, though. Hmmm.
I know too much medieval history, I keep thinking of suitors vying for Susan's hand and whether Edmund would have been really trusted.
I keep looking for nouns around either "gentrification" or "going native" and not coming up with much, but maybe it will inspire a thought in someone else?
I may have to give up and go with something unrelated. I was thinking of: Vert, Lion Rampant Gules. Which I figure 90% of the fandom won't get. And doesn't have the kind of meaning "Carpetbaggers" conveys. Hmm.
Foreigners? Nisei? Again not right but maybe will suggest something to someone.
The Nation builders? The Consolidators? The Reformers? The Liberators? The Lawgivers?
The IBM employees? (Sorry--NC-specific joke. IBM moved operations, and hundreds of employees, from NY to NC in the 80s.)
The thing about Carpetbaggers as a title is that the Pevensies were, and weren't, carpetbaggers. Yeah, they came in from outside and began running the show. But (a) they had divine/leonine authority to do so; and (b) the point of the novel is to show that they earned the authority on their own merits. So they might have been perceived as carpetbaggers, but in the end, showed they weren't in it for their own benefit.
So there's an ironic element to the title that I can't find in any of these follow-ups. Unless I can find a really cool way to refer to the Marshall Plan or something...
The Returned? Expectations? Creating The Shoes You're Meant To Fill (hm, that has potential)