Aw, I watched some Joan of Arcadia! Not sure I feel like weeping at the moment, but thank you for the link. I'm going to save it to read later.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
she'll always be the one who made me burst out sobbing at work with "Goodnight, Moon." One of my top 10 -- maybe 5 -- fanfic I've ever read.
I'd rank it as the best. I'd never watched Joan of Arcadia and felt nothing but contempt for TDAT, and she still made me tear up over that story.
I wish I could enjoy her writing these days, but every time I try to read I remember when a comment I made on one of her fics prompted her to essentially scream "Get out. Get Out! GET OUT!" at me in asscaps and it just overwhelms any emotional response I might feel to the story itself.
I remember when a comment I made on one of her fics prompted her to essentially scream "Get out. Get Out! GET OUT!" at me in asscaps
Oh, dear. That's pretty unexpected, as my experience of Yahtzee has been that she's remarkably level-headed and mellow in the snakepit of drama which is much of fic-writing fandom.
I'm sorry that happened, Matt.
That does seem weird, given what I know of her, but everyone has a bad day, I guess. Sorry about that, Matt.
SPN fans might be excited to hear that Refur's writing Avengers fic. Yay!
And the Ao3 invite has been claimed. Thanks, all.
Gripe: I think Florence + the Machine are the bees knees. But please stop using her song lyrics for fic titles, m'kay?
Titles are hard.
They are! But the bandwagon jumping onto F+tM is ridic.
Both of my fics are essentially song titles. But for one the song didn't come until after the title was chosen, and it ended up aligning with a Platters song, and the other was a Blonde Redhead song title where the lyrics lined up nicely. And I don't care if you get the reference (my other pet peeve is every author letting you know just where such and such mundane detail came from. If I can't get it from the fic, it's not relevant to me. It's like DVD commentary. If it didn't make it to the screen, or even past a deleted scene, it doesn't really count for me. The rest is personal gratification that I'm not concerned whether the reader gets my internal choices or not.
Okay, so I wrote a novel titled Carpetbaggers, about the Pevensies settling into Narnia. What comes after carpetbaggers? Expatriates? Colonists? Settlers? Frontiersmen? Reconstructors?