What does amaze me is that this year's Yuletide, in a fairly tiny fandom, has 642 hits, 54 kudos, 16 comments, and 9 bookmarks
As much as I love the fandot, I haven't really sought out much fic.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
What does amaze me is that this year's Yuletide, in a fairly tiny fandom, has 642 hits, 54 kudos, 16 comments, and 9 bookmarks
As much as I love the fandot, I haven't really sought out much fic.
Yay, I have posted my Remix Madness story. First thing I've written in about six months.
Now I feel like I should try to do another one: I have all the rest of the day, after all...
I think childhood books are usually a pretty good bet in Yuletide.
I'd never done Yuletide before. It was a really nice surprise.
I'm still having a hard time branching out from my OTFandom, which is Star Trek, or I'd try Yuletide. But it's meant specifically for very small fandoms.
Hit counts are very seductive, but drive me nuts. They don't seem to indicate much of anything to me other than the popularity of a pairing, where you rate on the BNF scale and sheer luck. My big bang this year is over 800 hits, but pretty much everything else is lucky to hit 400. I don't write a super rare pair, but I think the fandom has been around for such a long time that it's only the diehards that pay any attention to them. Now, if I wrote Kirk/Spock, those stories would have easily double the number of hits, just because of the number of people who ship the "original" slash pairing of Star Trek.
I mean, there are two stories where I collaborated with other people during a challenge in a comm. One story won first prize and the other story won third prize. Yet the hit count on AO3 for the third place story is twice that of the first place story. Go figure! I'm curious to see what happens, though, because when I first posted those stories, the other collaborators weren't on AO3, so I couldn't list them as co-authors. Just today, I was finally able to do that and some of them have higher BNF quotients than I do. So now, people searching for those other authors can find these stories. I look forward to watching the hit count go all funky on me.
Fanfic writers' habit of constantly having characters roll their eyes at each other has annoyed me since way back, but never more than today in the story I read where Nick Fury rolls his eyes at Tony Stark.
Now, see, you are making me want to go through everything I've ever written and search 'em for rolling eyes. I think I have used it at least once, but I swear on your life that it was in character.
Fanfic writers' habit of constantly having characters roll their eyes at each other has annoyed me since way back, but never more than today in the story I read where Nick Fury rolls his eyes at Tony Stark.
Maybe he installed a rotating Sarcasm Patch?
Hey guys, just wanted to pop in and mention that Kara was all thrilled a couple of days ago that she found bajillions of great Vocaloid stories "on this awesome site called fanfiction.net!" I thought you'd find it cute.
I'm envisioning something like one of those cat clocks but for a single eye.
I still regularly get feedback and favorited on fanfiction.net. They love me there :)