Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
However, if Sherlock/Molly is "Shmolly", that would be kind of hilarious.
I have yet to see it portmanteaued in the wild. It's probably Mollock or something, with our luck.
I currently dislike Mormor the most of all the Sherlock abominations.
I prefer it to Sheriarty.
Yup. I don't read any Sherlock fanfic, but my tumblr thread is full of it, and Sebastian and Moriarty is the big Moriarty ship. Well, apart from fandom/Moriarty.
t unsuspectingly saunters into the fanfic thread
t runs away screaming
Thank heaven I'm a trekkie. I don't have to do portmanteau if I don't want to.
No one has to do portmanteau! Resist the tyranny!
Thank heaven I'm a trekkie. I don't have to do portmanteau if I don't want to.
Thank heaven, or thank Kock? Or Spork. Or McKock? Or Kirkoy? Or Cheulu? (Pronounced Chew-loo)
Sorry. It's just, well, I get bored and think up portmanteaus and sometimes, I can't stop.
I have a hate/love relationship with them. Hove, you might say. Not Late. Hate's always on top.
I have a hate/love relationship with them. Hove, you might say. Not Late. Hate's always on top.
Not the way I write 'em.
The actual ship I've been writing lately (aside from the occasional RPF about the show's writers) has a portmanteau name that is particularly ugly aesthetically speaking, worse than spuffy. And it is more than a little 12-year-old-giggle inducing - worse than Kock, to my ear. When it was told to the actor who plays the male half of the pairing, he said, "Oh, that's just all kinds of wrong."
Thank heaven, or thank Kock? Or Spork. Or McKock? Or Kirkoy? Or Cheulu?
Maybe the older Trek fans didn't embrace portmanteaux, but most of the places I hang out have. You'll find all those Plei listed plus:
Spirk, McSpirk (threesome fun!), Spones, Chulu, Jones (my ship!), McChapel, McHura, Scokov, Pirk.
I blame 2010's Ship Wars. It was a hell of a lot of fun, but they embraced the smush whole-heartedly. When names didn't smush well, they came up with alternatives:
Team Ashayam (Spock/Uhura) Team Tartan (Scotty/anyone) Team Crackship - some of the most amazing random ships ever, but not smushable in any way, it even generated a zombie!Pike fic (but I don't remember who they shipped him with) that was absolutely hilarious.