I did NOT offer Nail Polish (Industry) as a fandom to write. Despite being probably the most qualified person to write it. I was afraid I'd actually GET it, you know?
I actually only offered four fandoms to write this year. All things I'd write all characters for, all things I actually want to write. Go me!
Connie: I'm not sure I'll go back to Delicious yet. At least I have my network page, but I see nowhere to set up tag subscriptions.
I did NOT offer Nail Polish (Industry) as a fandom to write.
Yuletide will always surprise me with what is actually a fandom.
Because I'm not writing A Little Princess porn, I tell you what.
...I actually requested A Little Princess. I kind of want a crossover between it and The Secret Garden. It doesn't have to be porn!
I saw that! A crossover is a genius idea.
Yuletide signups close tonight at 8PM Eastern, 5PM board time.
My Star Trek Big Bang: Wanderers Far At Sea (Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, Spike, assorted Old Ones, a Very Special Guest, Joanna McCoy)
Jim has kept one part of his life a complete secret from his best friend Bones, but now it appears the bizarre occurrences happening to Joanna McCoy may force him to reveal things to Bones that will either sunder their friendship forever or bring them closer together than either had ever expected. Can Bones trust Jim with Joanna's life, when he's been lied to by his best friend about his very nature? STXI/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series fusion.
I stayed up all night to finish the thing and get it posted. I have to be at work in an hour and fifteen minutes. ::staggers to the shower::
Javier Grillo Marxuach (the creator of The Middleman) wrote a Middleman/Doctor Who crossover of great entertainment:
I've been thanking him profusely on twitter and livejournal.
Just by accident, reading Little_details on lj, I found out somebody's writing a new H:LOTS fanfic about Kay...and there was a resident online to describe how she got shot through the heart and continued to live and be awesome(no word on the great hair, alas)
Fandom: this job ain't got nothin' to do with life.