Just finished it! So good!
Then I got confused as I read the comments, because I thought it was still the fic...
'Out Of Gas'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Just finished it! So good!
Then I got confused as I read the comments, because I thought it was still the fic...
Julie is me.
Just to be clear, in a completely metaphorical sense.
What are some active SPN fic comms on LJ other than sn_fic, supernaturalfic and spn_gen that would accept a long gen fic? To put it bluntly, I've got a case where I have had a hard time finding an audience for a story. The few comments I have received have been gushing (so I'm reasonably sure the story doesn't suck), but they've been few. Hearbreakingly few, and I don't know what to do about it.
I feel bad posting about this because it sounds all beggy and whiny, but the frustration has been building, so if I'm going to ask, this is the safest place to do so.
Does it have any other angle? Is it pre-series? Hurt boys? Involve one or more angels?Anything like that?
It's a mix of pre-series and S1/early S2, although it pulls from canon through S6. It's basically about how John learns about the plans for Sam (also, his time in and escape from Hell). It does involve angels to a degree. I did xpost at papawinchester.
Also, although it's technically gen, it's heavily John/Mary.
Well, I was thinking things like spn_gabriel or spn_castiel if the involvement was heavy enough, or the hurt Dean or hurt Sam community if they get whumped. I don't think it would qualify for Weechesters. If there is a community for Mary, I'm sure it doesn't get much traffic, sadly.
I can't think of any other niches, but my brain is fuzzy right now.
That's hugely helpful, ita. Thank you! Gabriel figures very heavily into the story. I'll just tweak the summary to spoil that particular detail and cross-post accordingly.
Whee! Glad that my character sluttishness can come in useful.
Yuletide nominations are open until Monday evening. You get a total of three noms this year.
I'm doing it for the first time. I hope. What to nominate, though? Not having done it before, I got stuck on, uh, Jane Eyre.
Anything anyone else wants that I could add a vote to?