Amy, your second suggestion is brilliant. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Juliebird, just thinking of anyone other than Data saying "acquaintance familiarization" is a heck of a lot of fun. I'm going to have to work it into conversation just to see the looks on people's faces.
Hey, it's what I do. You're welcome!
Windsparrow, too kind. The second I saw Amy's suggestion I knew I had no hope of being a bad influence!
I rephrased Amy's idea a bit:
"Is that really the nearest thing to dating we are going to do? Because we skipped a bunch of steps. It compressed about six months down to three minutes, and I think I need the hearts and flowers."
So I'm only making off with the idea, not the words.
I don't want to be a stuffy net nanny, but this is the thread for other people's fic, technically. "Buffista Fic 2: They Said It Couldn't Be Done." is for working on your own.
Oh, I forgot that. Sorry!
Sorry. How did I not notice that?
Man, I love FFN. I just had a story "favorited" by a Chrystel Malfoy-Potter. ::hearts::
Muppets-Angel-Leverage crossover.
Yes, really, exactly as you're imagining it
(with puppets)