I just wasted half an hour naming strippers (I was plotting, then got sick of calling one of them "that girl".
'Heart Of Gold'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
If it makes you feel better, I've just spent a fruitless 15 minutes Googling "stages of dating" because I can't think of a better way to say "courtship" for a character who would only use the word if she had to fill in the blank "____ of Eddie's Father" in a trivia contest (and she wouldn't be in a trivia contest anyway). I've got nothing. And "preliminaries" doesn't work either.
wooing! Wooer.
Ooh! New chapter? When?
Who, moi? I've hit a point where I realized that I really needed to get more specific with my outline and figuring out that shit in detail and where to foreshadow it, because there are new threads weaving in and OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING?!!
If not me, then nebbermind . . .
Also, was blessed with a wicked beta (grammar, plot, character-voices, pacing, movement...) and then someone else swooped in and saved me from coding, because they like it.
Really, I just wanted them to make out and get beat up a lot.
Okay, but you haven't said when a new chapter.
I found a challenge that fits the theme of the fic I'm working on. That would mean I delay posting for many months, but maybe I'll do it.
Sorry, the verbal diarrhea was my way of saying "likely not this week, possibly late next".
wooing! Wooer.
She's a cop. The guy she's saying it to might say "woo" while doing that very thing - but he would probably have to get her drunk first, or he'd end up crawling around on the floor trying to find her eyes for her after they rolled right out of her head.
Buttering him up. Breaking him down. Wearing him down. Getting under his skin. Infecting him. Tiring him until he says yes.
Context is "The conversation this morning out here on the beach - is that really all we're going to have of *courtship*? Because it seems to have compressed about six months of dating into three minutes, and I think I need the hearts and flowers." Spoiler font to keep ita_! from wanting to reach through the intertubes and strangle me.
The best alternate phrasing I have come up with is "the preliminaries to the relationship" and I like that only slightly better.
ETA: Thanks, by the way, for trying.