Okay, now my fic has taken me beyond being scared about being sensitive and socially aware of asexuality, and into the realm of responding to a poster that what they are experiencing isn't asexuality but sexual aversion.
They told me that Cas doesn't like sex because of a bad experience. I responded that good bad or neutral experiences don't dictate asexuality.
They told me that it was one of the most insightful comments they'd received in reply to theirs.
I'm not a social voice, omg!!
Seriously, wtf are people doing out there? I'm the most ignorant and unPC person evar!
Oh god, I am so un-PC, I am not the voice of council, of social awareness, of progressiveness. And definitely not the voice telling someone that no, their bad experience doesn't make them an ace, and that there is counseling for them.
So if someone is in the mood for Narnia fanfiction, the Narnia Fanfiction Exchange just closed, and the master list of stories is here:
There are a few duds, but the general quality is quite high. I would certainly recommend:
Food For Thought, Dichotomy, Written in the Dust, A Flight of Fantasy (steampunk Narnia!), The Exhaustion of Dawn, Words We Don't Have, Out of Season, and I Love Not the Man But Nature More.
fic help: my google fu is failing me on staffing/employment as a US Attorney (Organized Crime Strike Force). Levels of heirarchy, who does what, where a guy in his late twenties would be positioned, etc.
Consuela, I still have some trepidation about Narnia fic, but am willing to trust you, so I am poking my nose into some of them. As for "I Love Not the Man But Nature More", how can I resist at least trying a fic that uses
“Yes, this is a fertile land, and we will thrive… We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... 'This Land'."
as an epigraph.
Hah! It is a cute epigraph, but I don't think it fits the story, which is rather... primal, and not silly at all.
Woops. I'm writing a story that either lots of people will love, or I'll get hate-mail for.
... possibly both.
Woops. I'm writing a story that either lots of people will love, or I'll get hate-mail for.
I told someone else, elsewhere, to write for the sake of the story they wanted to tell. Writing is one thing; getting it to an audience is another. That won't protect you from a virtual mob set to run you out of the internet on a rail, of course. I'm not sure what would - sometimes there are mobs in search of a convenient target.
Well, I posted it, and (so far) all the comments have been positive.
But really the question is whether I'm willing to post it on FFN. This is a pagan story, and the FFN Narnia community is, generally, really into the whole Christian allegory.
Here's the story, btw:
Really nice, 'suela! I left a comment for you on AO3.
Thanks, sail! I'm still a bit dissatisfied with it, but it pretty much did what I wanted it to.