I couldn't see the screen to do so as my eyes were rolling so hard.
See? It was a sea of things which are not quite falsehoods but certainly not true, either! Misinterpretations piled on sweeping generalizations, along with some tainted-by-association and how-dare-they-think-they're-cool. I think.
Also, they diss b.org, because we're elitist know-it-alls because Tim posts here.
If this perception keeps out the sort of ignorance and discourtesy I see rampant in most places on the net, I say ivory tower, yay!
There is something to be said for ivory towers...so long as the ivory is humanely-sourced faux-ivory.
Somebody's writing insurance commercial ship fic, y'all. And, crazier yet - someone else is reccing it [link] We're talking Flo from Progressive and Mayhem from Allstate - not some kind of smooth insurance commercial Taster's Choice couple.
Where is my teevee boyfriend, the Gieco Gecko????
I would ship that. Oh yes.
Do horrible things happen to Flo? Please?
But she's Files and Records!
Ah, from one evil to another.
Someone left me a very nice (overly enthusiastic) comment, then topped it with praising my portrayal of borderline autism.
Um . . . I didn't?
Not on purpose, anyway, and when I double-checked the symptoms in adults, it's the complete opposite. And I don't think that was a language barrier issue.