How much prompt is too much? One of the artista in the reverse bang is doing 5 ch for each of her prompts. She is mad talented and publicly fast since she is doing two prompts, five each.
She's got a great sense of story and her pics are always emotional. So I wonder how writers work with that. Doing a collaboration with her would be amazing. But five is a pretty big prompt.
Would you, as a writer feel backed against a wall?
Five does seem like a lot. With that many, she's sort of telling the story for you.
Would you, as a writer feel backed against a wall?
Probably. But it would depend. I did fine with a prompt once that was, like, "Shoelaces, sacrifice, blue". I can deal with that, or with a random quote.
But the prompts that are like, "Jack falls down a hill and breaks his leg and Daniel has to carry him back to the Stargate and they talk about their childhoods"--those I can't do. You gotta let me see the story myself, and I will fit it to the prompt.
I have two unclaimed VividCon DVD sets, so I can send you one, amych.
Can I have one, shrift?
The artist in question (petite_madame) is probably going to come up with a great narrative with her images. Me, I'm just sticking to one picture per prompt. I don't feel like it's my job to tell the author what to write, just to trigger their imagination. And I don't have the sort of confidence in my work she clearly does.
I think it's one thing to provide 'a' picture for a prompt and then once the story is written, do more if the story inspires; I've seen that frequently in the Star Trek Reverse Bang. But I could not write a story where there were already 5 pictures; I'd feel too constrained.
Well, petite_madame comes with built in audience and prestige. Not everyone else in the fandom could do that without jeopardising their chances.