How do you like your Kindle btw?
I like it okay. It's a series 1, so it's a bit bigger & clunkier than the new ones, but it comes with the wireless, which I like. I haven't yet tried to put any fic on it, although I saw a friend comment that she changes the title of any fic she puts on her Kindle to something that starts with "z.", so that it's always at the end of the list and any random person won't see the fic. I like that idea.
Anyway, apparently I can either email fic to myself through the Amazon interface, or upload with a USB cable, right?
I have not had great success with fic on my Nook, but I've only tried in PDF format, which has done strange things with linebreaks. I haven't looked at AO3's new epub feature yet, because I'm getting most of my stuff off LJ, with the occasional PDF conversion.
However I adore my Nook
to pieces.
Getting stuff off AO3 on my Kindle has been very easy.
I have lots of fic on my Nook, but I send it through Calibre first for the epub format. Though sometimes weird things happen to spacing. Nooks are love.
Anyway, apparently I can either email fic to myself through the Amazon interface, or upload with a USB cable, right?
Yes. The USB cable is easier and better in my experience; for one thing, the email-it-to-yourself method tends to use your email address as the author's name, which tends to be confusing.
GoT fanvid to Johnny Cash's "Cut You Down."
What do you think? I thought it was almost too literal.
There's probably not anyone who hasn't heard if you knew Sandy Herrold, but she passed away early this morning from cancer.
If you didn't know her, she was a vidder, a writer, a reccer, and a person who *did* things in fandom. Her influence on vidding and meta in particular is incalculable.
I meant to say earlier, thank you for posting this, Dana. I only met her once and I think I knew her more or better from people's reaction and emphatic love of her than from anything else. Because people loved her so damned fiercely. She was epic.
She was epic.
She was marvelous. I liked her enormously, and it's just so sad. She touched a lot of lives.
I never got to talk to her one-on-one, but she was one of those people who would walk into a room, and the energy level in the place would instantly go up by 200%. A big, generous, warm personality. She had the best laugh.
I would imagine the Vividcon staff is planning something in her memory during the con this year, the way they did with Abby after she passed. The place is going to be a wreck. She was incredibly well-loved by everyone who knew her, it seems.