The SPN thread is full of fan fic recs and anti-recs, but this one stood out to me recently: It's Always The End Of The World Somewhere. It's an NC-17 high school AU (Dean/Cas pairing), but if all that doesn't turn you off, it's really good. It's got some of the most complex AU Castiel characterisation I've read anyone accomplish. I've read a decent amount I've enjoyed recently, but when I consider recommending something to my sister who doesn't even watch the show, then I know I'm hooked.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
weird but cool.
The master list has been posted for the spn_summergen fics.
I wrote two fics for the challenge this year, Black Dog on My Shoulder Again, which is a Stanford-era fic where Sam gets pulled into a hunt. It's rather dark, and it draws on a number of things we learned in Season 5.
Fightin' Words is the closest I have ever come to writing crack!fic. Sam and Dean have any number of childhood traumas and hunts-gone-wrong that they don't talk about, not because of man!pain, but because of sheer embarrassment.
Those two just got bumped to the top of my list, Anne!
I don't know how to describe the fic I'm reccing today, except that it totally blew me out of the water and left me in tears for hours, despite the fact it's ostensibly a happy ending. It's just a must-read in my mind.
Snow Country. STXI, Kirk/McCoy, PG-13.
Summary: Jim dies and arrives in the afterlife to find that "eternity" is a single memory that he must choose from his lifetime. He also meets McCoy -- who died before the first mission ended, and who won't tell Jim why he hasn't been able to move into the afterlife ...
Anyone need an invite to Archive Of Our Own?
Not a facetious question, Dana, assume naivety and inept fumbling with unfamiliar online places. What's the benefit of joining or belonging or being invited to AOOO if one isn't going to post one's own writing there?
There's a thing that tracks your reading history today that I just found. It also lets you mark stories for later.
Eventually, there will be subscriptions, once the code is in place.
Even if you don't post fic, you can keep lists of bookmarks and rec lists, subscribe to things (favorite authors, fandoms, pairings, whatev) SOON!, get responses to your comments. I've never posted anything over there, but membership is very worth it even if you primarily use it as a reading site.