Who wants to write a Logan(VM)/ryan/sark/seth/vaughn/weiss/sawyer/rusty ryan/danny ocean fic for me Kat?
t blink
I happily report that I cannot, as I'm only familiar with three of those fandoms.
(huh, Shriftweb appears to be down. Shrift knows this, I assume...)
Not so much, as I was home sick yesterday and curled up watching Samurai Champloo. Looks to be back up now, but feel free to ping me should anything go wonky -- if there is a ball, I am not on it lately.
Where's the Wonderfalls fic?
I only know of one: [link]
And I don't think it's particularly spoilery, but I could be wrong.
Hey, shrift, I finally saw O12 -- is your LJ the best place to find your fic? What pairings did you write?
The heavyhearted woman replied, “Let’s face it Walter, he would not have enjoyed all the pump and circumstance.”
Please tell me this appeared in a PWP story?
Well, thank goodness the food was apropos and the recordation proceeded without interruption.
Travolta and Grey... do you think she's intentionally mix-n-matching, or did she just forget who was in that movie? Er, I'm assuming Dirty Dancing, but maybe she forgot the woman in Saturday Night Fever instead.
Please tell me this appeared in a PWP story?
Alas, no. She at least tries to have a plot. Such as it is.
Travolta and Grey... do you think she's intentionally mix-n-matching, or did she just forget who was in that movie?
Who knows? It does make the brain hurt.
Have you read Katie's Workplace Legends? So. Damned. Funny.
Entirely unsure how I missed that, because, well... there it is, plain as day. But I did, so thanks. Oh, my. So, so, so funny.
Hey, shrift, I finally saw O12 -- is your LJ the best place to find your fic? What pairings did you write?
Actually, I remembered to update my fic site the other day. But I do have all my fic in the memories on LJ. So far, I've just written a couple of Danny/Rusty stories.
Recs: [link]
Ocean's 11/12 ficathon: [link]
Oh, and the Yuletide stories have been overwhelmingly good: [link]
1. Gauguin? The painter? I missed that plot development. Please tell me he was not involved in any of the manroot/intimate cavern activities.
The glass walls that surrounded Le Louvre
Er? There's that funny, small, glassed-in pyramid in the center of "Le Louvre," surrounded on three sides by walls of stone. If the whole Louvre fit inside that glass pyramid, let us just say that Winged Victory at Samothrace and a number of Egyptian mummies would be busy having their own manroot/intimate cavern moments.
I've just written a couple of Danny/Rusty stories
Are you feeling the Linus/Rusty? Kat and I made up some very plausible (natch) scenarios to get us through the dull (read: female) bits of O12, and I really see Linus trying that hard.
You're feeling better today? Also -- did you get my answer to your question? If you need different sorts of details, just ask.
::off to check links::