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Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
His searing release burns her insides, sets her off again.
His searing release burns her insides, sets her off again.
Poor dear. Vaginal infections can be so persistent.
Of course, it sounds as if he's suffering pretty badly too.
In lieu of lube they should go buy some ointment.
Oh dear. I do look forward to the continued adventures of Michaels and Nikitas....
I think I am a serial OTP-er. I get a pairing in my head and I read EVERYTHING. Good, bad. And since I tend to like schmoopy romantic pairings in not so schmoopy (or at least believeably schoompy I gorge myself on the fic. It actually drives me crazy, in that I really do feel nauseous and headachy.
Right now I am on a Brian/Justin Queer as Folk kick and I am to the point that I am fairly sure that I have read everything that is good but I can't stop!
Sophia, have you already done Hornblower, or is that a spectacularly silly question?
Sophia, have you already done Hornblower, or is that a spectacularly silly question?
No, although I don't think I know the source material very well. Do you have any recs? I am truly sick of Brian and Justin getting married and having babies!?!, and other such spectacularly out of character stories.
Do you have Netflix, Sophia? I've just started on the Hornblower (er, actually I think I watched the last one and then the first one, but you know what I mean).
Sophia, have you checked the QaF recs at crack_van?
No, although I don't think I know the source material very well. Do you have any recs? I am truly sick of Brian and Justin getting married and having babies!?!, and other such spectacularly out of character stories.
I've never seen a single ep, but Calypso's most excellent Ransom stands alone very nicely, thank you very much.
Background on the show available here, if you fancy it - but not neccesary for the fic, actually. Still, nice to see the pretty.