Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Just in case anyone wants to weep helplessly:
So. Very. Good. ::sniffles::
Though, S1 is on my Netflix Queue.
Heh. SG-1 is like the Borg, only with worse wardrobes. I think it's the casting: they overlap with Every Other Fandom around, except maybe Doctor Who. Gaeta from BSG even showed up as an Egyptian guy a couple of months ago.
It's the sci fi ghetto. It protects (and employs) its own.
Am-Chau's question about metaphor is sort of like defining porn -- it is known when seen, and very hard to describe. I do have to call foul on cross-universe metaphors (elves like jackhammers, e.g.), because unless it's intentional, kicking the reader out of a fictional world and into this one, it's a mess.
I attended a lecture once about historical fiction, and the research done for same. After a while it got into "things you can't do in history," like have someone thrill with electricity before the 1700s, or telegraph his punches before the middle 1800s. A lot of expressions you don't even think about, that are related to technology, embedded in our worldview that aren't appropriate to history (or to alternate, technology-free worlds).
like have someone thrill with electricity before the 1700s, or telegraph his punches before the middle 1800s
Yes, this! I'm just about finished with my 1498 Italian fic, and I kept thinking of all these Shakespearian type things and telling myself "Idiot! He's not going to even be born yet for another 50 years!"
like have someone thrill with electricity before the 1700s, or telegraph his punches before the middle 1800s
Even good writers and translators aren't immune from this, sadly. I refuse to believe that Virgil actually called anything "gun-metal gray".
I refuse to believe that Virgil actually called anything "gun-metal gray".
Well, yeah. He didn't speak English.
I'm okay with a reasonable amount of using current idiom to describe things that happened in the past, if you're writing in a third person omniscient. God knows, if everyone was
period accurate, it'd drive me batshit.
Heh. SG-1 is like the Borg, only with worse wardrobes.
I stopped in a Walgreens this morning, and as I was wandering down past the pharmacy, I heard the guys behind the counter.
"mumble mumble Stargate..."
My head whipped around.
"Oh, yeah? I liked the movie."
"I've been watching the TV show since the beginning...."
I resisted the urge to actually join into the conversation, but you're not kidding about that Borg stuff.
So, how did the Shrift-conversion go? Was she sufficiently impressed by Atlantis?
And will she write Zelenka for us?
It's enough like the Borg that purchasing SG:A on DVD is one of the main reasons that I want to fly back to Britain. And I've only read a couple of fics, but I find myself strangely drawn to the fandom...
I realise that it is very very stupid to have any kind of crush on a character in a TV show you haven't even seen. So I don't. Have a crush. Or anything like one. Even slightly.
However, the David Hewlett/Amanda Tapping interview, with the 'mystery wrapped in a lemon'? VERY cute indeed.
I've totally fallen for SGA and I can't wait to get new episodes. SG1 though, I don't think I'll be watching. I like it, but maybe it's---I think I've missed too much and never seen things in the right order so it's this huge sprawling complicated story.
I love the Rodney and John show.
Plus there's something about the desperation of the situation, the way it's well played in the finale and leading up to it. I definitly feel that anyone or everyone could die and even with back up they could be defeated.
Now I'm feeling a bit heretical, but I'm still a SG-1 girl. I find the Wraith annoying and boring (plus a bit too strong, honestly -- I like a couple weaknesses in my villains). I really do like Rodney (and Zelenka!) but there's just not enough of them. They should think about making it the Scientists in Space show.