I tried for raising the tent pole in their love circus, but my mind squidged off on another track.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
he was a devoted mime
t snicker
That puts a different complexion on the "stuck-in-a-box" thing.
On the way home from work I worked out how to get
"raising the tent-pole in the love circus"into a drabble, but then forget it in the midst of taking care of Mom's cat.
Maybe it will come to me in my sleep.
Oh dear lord. Those are amazingly bad.
huh huh huh.
askye said come.
It's not exactly the phrase, but I think it's within the spirit.
Gripping the bed-head as if it were a trampeze, Micheal swung his legs up and around Nikita's body, which was sequinned with sweet sweat. Shoving hard against the leverage this gained, he strained to raise the tent pole ever higher in the Big Top of their love.
As he came, spraying a firework of semen deep into her uterus, Nikita cried out that he would always be her Ringmaster. Then her body, too, spasmed in the involuntary contentions of a woman in love, her innermost lips flapping like a tent in a hurricane.
Am-Chau wins the prize.
(Y'all have made me very self-conscious, since I just wrote my first ever really explicit sex scene tonight and now I'm all worried that it sucks.)
Y'all have made me very self-conscious, since I just wrote my first ever really explicit sex scene tonight and now I'm all worried that it sucks.
I assume it's SGA? You want a not-in-the-fandom pair of eyes to give it a look?
Y'all have made me very self-conscious, since I just wrote my first ever really explicit sex scene tonight and now I'm all worried that it sucks.
Heh. I just came here from working on, not my first ever sex scene, but the consummation scene of the work-in-progress. I was thinking how very awkward a rough draft it was, how hard it was to get both the emotional impact and the physical details on the page simultaneously, etc., and wondering if I'd ever be able to edit it into something all sexy and poignant and just a little heartbreaking like it needs to be.
But I'm feeling much better now. It may be bad, it may need draft after draft of rewriting, but I'm fairly confident I didn't misuse any words or concoct any bizarre metaphors.