The MCR wank was hilarious (especially the macro). The food_porn wank posted two entries earlier? Even more hilarious.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Oh, that story where Dean and Sam bring John back from Hell is here: [link]
A lurker shared the link with me. ::waves at lurker::
And I blame SA for this. Entirely. God. It's still not my main reading of the text, but at times it does jump off the screen.
Though I do have to say, as I've been watching season three this year, I totally saw the Charlie/Larry, for which I completely blame you. So perhaps we're even.
Bip bip bip is the cute.
I would be able to explain why I love max better following a rewatch. But I distinctly recall these amazing looks of vulnerability and compassion Alba was able to call to her face, and that is certainly a component of my love for her.
Jilli, god help me, but if you want more MCR slash I probably know where to find it.
:::Waving at lurker, too. My thanks!::
Suela, thank you, too! Saved to memories, yay!
Jilli, god help me, but if you want more MCR slash I probably know where to find it.
Iiiiieeeee! No, I don't want any, thank you. MCR fic (and especially slash) is apparently one of my squick points. I feel oddly protective of the band, and slash fic about them makes me twitch.
I know, I know. I'm a crazy person. I'm fine with that.
I am just as happy to never think about it again, myself, so at least we are on the same page.
Dunno if y'all remember Nilchance's Gimme Shelter, an SPN AU in which the boys were taken away by CPS in the mid-80s, but Nilchance has written a followup, Paint it Black. It needs more, damnit, but this is at least a taste. This is a terrifyingly plausible AU. ::clutches heart::
Ms. Refur appears to have just outdone herself in terms of causing me pain in the good way: [link]
SPN, set in the week between the Pilot and Wendigo.
I'm looking at this "post a list of your top five favorite stories" meme, and I don't know if I can stop being neurotic long enough to do it.
Do it. DO IT.