Gotta love that whole 'hmm... now let's take the preternaturally beautiful roguewithaheartofgold bloke and drop him in a vat of angsty woobiesauce. With glasses. And swimming. And piano playing' mindset. It was like they wanted to get him onto every page of Provocateuse all in one episode.
Mmm, angsty woobiesauce. My favorite.
No, wait, that is tortured angst.
But still it was a damn fine PWmuchofaP ep for me.
The The Almost Totally Random Pairing Generator for SGA
Snerk. For other shows too. Skeery pairings that I want people to write now.
I feel alone in my Max-love when I read DA fic, I tell you what. She's such a little girl lost, and she loves *so* much. need to explain to me what is Good About Max, and then maybe I can enjoy her onscreen more than I can right now. (Well, no, clearly you don't
to. But if you did, then maybe I could. Um.) There was one scene I watched this past week and I remember watching it and then ranting at the screen for a while about how crap the delivery was, and reflecting that SMG would have made SO much a better job of that material. And I'm not generally a big SMG fangirl, but from time to time I am reminded that she did some good work. ( My BtVS love is mostly for the ensemble as a whole, with several special mentions. I like SMG within the context of the ensemble, but she's not my favourite of the BtVS alumni. But I don't NOT like her. If that makes sense.) But it may be that I can get into a different headspace.
(...because, God knows, rewatching
Season 2 last night I found myself totally understanding the existence of the Epcest fic. Even though I am very conflicted about it. But - my God. Yes, there is interaction that, were they not related, I would totally read as slashy. I had to rewind twice to rewatch this sudden eyefuck, whilst yelling 'nooo! noooo!' at myself and the screen. And I blame SA for this. Entirely. God. It's still not my main reading of the text, but at times it does jump off the screen.
....bloody fanfic, impacting on my interpretation of canon.)
I heart fandom.
Bip bip bip, people.
...I'm going to have to start saying this to my kids, because it just made me beam even reading that. Bless Normal.
Bip bip bip, people.
...I'm going to have to start saying this to my kids, because it just made me beam even reading that. Bless Normal.
I haven't said it out loud to anyone yet, but there are a couple of overly wordy associates I think it to fairly often.
Things That are Good About Max, By Me, Age 32 2/3.
- Max is generally speaking kind. She sees Joshua, a Nomaly in the Basement, and pushes aside her fears and cat-vs-dog instincts to reach out and connect with him.
- Max loves deeply, even if at times unwisely. If Max loves you, Max will love you no matter what you do, even if it means she has to kill you.
- Max has an overdeveloped sense of responsibility towards all of her extended Manticore family. She takes it personally when any of them are harmed.
- Yes, Alec, this includes you.
I say Bip bip bip to Lillian all the time. She's taken to responding to it with Dude.
I say Bip bip bip to Lillian all the time. She's taken to responding to it with Dude.
is slain, and thus unable to respond to the Pro-Max list. Slain, I tell you. Because I've HEARD that, and was slain before, but now I realise that the Bean was QUOTING NORMAL and I am deader than a dead thing.
I say Bip bip bip to Lillian all the time. She's taken to responding to it with Dude.
*this is the sound of BLESS*
is slain, and thus unable to respond to the Pro-Max list. Slain, I tell you. Because I've HEARD that, and was slain before, but now I realise that the Bean was QUOTING NORMAL and I am deader than a dead thing.
I am either the world's worst, or the world's best mother. Or just the world's most fannishly dorky one.
We had a full-on 15 minute "DUDE!" "SWEET!" exchange last night.
Dude. 50k words of Regency AU McShep. Haven't read yet, but still. Duuude.
I've finally created a separate fic journal. I'll eventually migrate (or link) older stuff over there. Currently, there are a number of crossovers I wrote for a recent challenge. Things tend heavy towards the anime side of things but there's a couple of Jossverse/FNL crossovers, some Wonderfalls, some Narnia, some Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sandman, etc.