Oh lord. This means you people finally will succeed in making me watch part of DA, doesn't it.Can we watch the Ben ep? Purty please with psychotic pretty boy on top?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Oh lord. This means you people finally will succeed in making me watch part of DA, doesn't it.Can we watch the Ben ep? Purty please with psychotic pretty boy on top?
Wonders if they make absinthe flavored Kool-Aid.
I'm 2/3s of the way through S1, and I expect to be all the way done by the time I get up there, since I hear the Ackles part starts soon.
While you geeble, you could paint me Barbie eyes. Although that might not help.
Ooooh! I could! I just dug out even MORE of my pink eyeshadow collection.
Can we watch the Ben ep? Purty please with psychotic pretty boy on top?
Mmm. Pollo Loco.
But... But... Berrisford Agenda! Angst! Woe! Glasses! Swimming pool!
I dunno, that it's not his preferred gender of gratuitous eye candy?
Pshaw. It has pretty girls, too! Just, you know, not shirtless.
Why can't it be mid-March now?
Ooooh! I could! I just dug out even MORE of my pink eyeshadow collection.I actually have one that I think you will adore. Couldn't find a swatch online today but I shall bring it (and then fetch you your very own if it makes you clap). It's more than cupcake but much less than shocking. Also all around my eyes if that picture came out halfway clear.
But... But... Berrisford Agenda! Angst! Woe! Glasses! Swimming pool!I'm sorry, I wasn't clear.
Start with Pollo Loco and move on from there. You think I can miss the angsty glasses? Because, no. That ep wibbles me huge.
Why can't it be mid-March now?Life is cruel.
And in a frightening moment of on topicness, I am organizing my bookmarks and gosh do I have a lot of fic in there. I need to pull all of the files out of my computer, sort them into piles and resort those piles and then put them back in the computer. There's a macro for that, yes?
You need a del.icio.us page, Cass.
I really do.
I just ... have so many pages for random stuff that I don't want to need another. And half of this is seeing / trying to figure out if I bookmarked because I was delighted somehow and wanted to keep a fic or if I never read it and just wanted to close the tab thus banishing the fic into the unread wilds.
Wonders if they make absinthe flavored Kool-Aid.
Doubtful, but you could probably make some by picking the blandest regular flavor and grinding up licorice jellybeans to steep in the liquid.
Or, y'know, just drink absinthe the traditional way, one part to 3 parts water with a sugar cube dissolved in the glass. That's not that far from Kool-Aid, prep wise.
Why are you talking about the OC ? *grin*