I just found out today that Smittywing has completed and posted "The Best Things in Life Are Free, a multipart SGA AU story based on the plot of Can't Buy Me Love.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I need some Dresden fic. It's gotta be out there.
I was thinking that but it's got the Harry Potter problem: he is already somebody's copywrited fictional character.
There are some on FF.net. I have no idea of the quality. [link]
Really? Any Dresden/Special Unit 2/SPN x-over fics?
There's a Highlander/Dresden xover. And the inevitable Harry Potter xover. And some emo thing about cutting.
backs away
Well, I guess if I want Harry/Bob, I have to write it myself! ... I think I just squicked myself, there.
Not that I could see. One Dogma, one Highlander, and a bajillion Harry Potter.
Oh no. Not Harry/Bob. I'd be more inclined to read Harry and Thomas Raith, his brother, whose name I've gone and looked up.
White-font for book spoiler.
Hee. Yeah, I just went to the most unlikely/impossible pairing, there.
Thomas is his brother? Interesting. I didn't know that. I don't mind knowing that, though. I can never resist whitefont.
Yeah, it makes things interesting later. I like the character a lot. It's probably the one pairing that would make me find incest interesting. Harry's got such a save the world--and everyone he knows-- thing going on. I wish the show was a little more complex and a little less obvious. Considering the way women are written in the books, slash wouldn't be much of a stretch.