Exxxsellent. . .
'War Stories'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Exxxsellent. . .
That just better not be aimed at me. I know where I can find a gun--oh, damn, dialogue is creeping in under the door . . .
God, Brennan would be absolutely fascinated by the whole undead thing, wouldn't she? Fa. Sci. Nated.
...I'd like to see a Bones/Angel crossover that accounted for Hutchins being a lawyer at Wolfram and Hart - his family is one of the families that secretly runs the world, after all - clearly they are hooked up with teh Eeeevil. Whether it was an Evil Twin at Wolfram & Hart, or whether Booth is actually Angel, having had Connor (or Cordy, or somebody) get Wolfram and Hart to alter the universe...
Oh, crap. No plot bunnies. None.
Booth swearing he looks nothing like Angel, Zack trying to sneak up on Angel to peer at his game face, Cam trying to get samples, Brennan staring at gameface and asking questions about the bones . . .
Write it!!!
Imagine what they'd do about the mirror thing.
Please, connie?
Ooh, Seeley's take on the curse vs. Brennan's on the same -- and Angel's reaction to their arguing about it. . . .
Write. It.
(...no, no, not rewatching my Bones DVDs all of this week at all, no siree bob...)
Seeley and Angel - at the scene of a murder. . . in a Catholic Church.
How fabulous.
(...but I'd definitely want Angel to be an ancestor of Seeley's - which is perfectly plausible canonically. Unexplained gosh-they-look-so-alike things irritate me.)