Turk and JD would be the slashiest thing in the world for me if it wasn't for my Turk/Carla OTP thing and the part where that makes any Turk/JD have to be pre-series.
I think it's best summed up by Carla and Turk returning from their honeymoon, Turk silently asking permission to run greet JD, and Carla wistfully saying "Maybe some day he'll love me like that" to the cabbie she's left standing with. There's no sense that they're one throat grab away from fucking like Lindsey and Angel always were, but Turk's soulmate might not be Carla.
but Turk's soulmate might not be Carla.
I think Guy Love came out and said that JD and Turk were soulmates. I love those two with an unreasonable love.
I can see them as soulmates, but non-sex having ones.
Is there such a thing?
Heterosexual life partners?
Cross posted with my LJ:
I think I may have found the ultimate in SPN crackfic. The boys, in tiaras . There are pictures, and everything.
There are pictures
Of which,
this is my favorite. (Note: Just a picture. Not spoileryer for the story. Beyond the obvious tiara theme.)
Oh. Man.
Dean got out of the car and headed for the dumpster, meaning to toss them in, but, as he stood there, gazing into the box, the tiaras twinkling at him with sad, glittery, princess puppy eyes, he couldn’t do it.
I think this may be my favorite paragraph:
So they decided to try wearing the tiaras “on the job”. During a routine salt and burn in Hattiesburg, the ghost they were trying to banish was so fascinated by the tiara-wearing grave diggers that it didn’t even howl when they set fire to its bones. After that, they started wearing them on all their jobs. It gave them an edge, an advantage over evil. Plus, they looked damned good in those tiaras.