...oh, crap.
I'm going to have to go get Scrubs DVDs now, aren't I?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
...oh, crap.
I'm going to have to go get Scrubs DVDs now, aren't I?
Poor Fay.
Speaking of slash, has SA pimped Hustle to you yet?
Oh, again, dear.
The pics here are from one of the third season eps.
Warning: Somewhat unworksafe, unless your workplace likes men's tushies.
Somewhat unworksafe, unless your workplace likes men's tushies
...well, my 6 year olds are blessed with very lavatorial senses of humour, and think that Captain Underpants is the funniest thing EVAH...so I guess that they do like tushies, in the abstract. In the concrete, though, I'm not so much with the naughty pictures on my computer.
Since they've all gone home now, however, I can click with gay abandon. Click click click!
Hey, if you want to read it, doll, it's one of the very few stories I've got saved on my laptop. In pretty website format, even.
Well, since she has it archived on LJ I went ahead and pulled it from there. But it was not without an unpleasant squooshy sensation as I did it.
You did read the Scrubs/SGA crossover, right?
That one is *hilarious.* I've read about three or four pieces of good Scrubs fic, slash and gen. It's not something I seek out, but thefourthvine has a thing for it, so I read it when she recs it.
Yes! That's who I thought Cox was - sorry, my painful ignorance of canon led to an evident lack of clarity. So JD/Turk is even slashier than JD/Cox?
I just believe in Turk and Carla in a way that precludes other romantic relationships for either of them.
Yes on the first part, less yes on the second part. I could conceivabley see Carla making a relationship concession for JD because, well. Guy Love!
Speaking of slash, has SA pimped Hustle to you yet?
I was very busy pimping lots of things over the Christmas holidays! I just...didn't get around to Hustle. But Fay, it's Very Very Good. And authentically British! The fourth season airs here in April.
The fourth season airs here in April.
I wonder when we are going to get it over here.
No clue. Some tv seems to make it through more quickly than other tv.
What are you doing up so late, woman?
(Oh, by the way, send it to my parents; I don't want to risk breaking it by hauling it around over here.)
Can't sleep.
Will do-- it's even in my purse already, so that I can mail it from work tomorrow.
you rocketh.
I'm sorry you can't sleep! I prescribe porn and maybe some whiskey.