Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Hey, if you want to read it, doll, it's one of the very few stories I've got saved on my laptop. In pretty website format, even.
And, yes, if she hasn't asked permission of the writers that's...not quite on. (I mean, it's the nature of putting one's words out onto the interweb that this kind of thing will happen, but still - not entirely cricket.)
I am all over Dr. Cox/J.D. Just not when it sucks, which is... pretty much the entire time. I've read maybe four good Scrubs stories ever.
And it's not like she's taking the credit, but there's still about it. You know?
It's an eternal debate, at least in my head. But I think I still come down on the side of "if it's archived without permission, then it's weird." At least for public purposes. I'd have no trouble saving a personal copy on my hard drive.
I'm with Dana.
Both on archiving and Cox/JD.
I've read good Scrubs once, and it was gen. My sifting through the crap is strictly limited to DA these days.
Also, unrelated to anything, I wrote. My first thousand word plus SPN: [link]
You did read the Scrubs/SGA crossover, right? [link]
And this, which is actual enjoyable Cox/Dorian:
Hell, I don't even
and I'm all over the notion of Cox/JD. Um. If they are who I think they are.
::furrows brow::
I mean, it
those two who spend every moment onscreen pulling each other's pigtails, yes? I presume? All I've seen is trailers, but they're slashy like a slashy thing. On the trailers. (Although the quotation from the wingfic made me wince. Ah, badfic.)
Nope-- Cox is the older doctor, JD's mentor. Turk and JD are the pigtail twins.
Huh. Well, the older guy was the one I was thinking of as Cox - and by pigtails, I guess I was thinking about the Angel/Lindsey thing.
Is Turk the best friend?
::scurries off to imdb::
Yes! That's who I thought Cox was - sorry, my painful ignorance of canon led to an evident lack of clarity. So JD/Turk is even
than JD/Cox?
Ah, then yes, you were right.
Turk is the best friend.
eta: That was written before your edit.
They make jokes about Turk and JD on the show, but in another way, Cox and JD could be seen as slashier.
Turk and JD would be the slashiest thing in the world for me if it wasn't for my Turk/Carla OTP thing and the part where that makes any Turk/JD have to be pre-series.
I think that's what makes them less slashy to me as well, Plei. I just
in Turk and Carla in a way that precludes other romantic relationships for either of them.