Oh, right, Lee, we had that talk at Sparky's, didn't we? About how the fact of sibling incest might tie back to father-son incest and that wasn't anywhere we wanted to go.
Yeah, I'm even less "my beautiful cake" when it comes to John and either one of the boys. John's got enough problems, that just isn't one I want to lay on him. And I know someone could write that story and it could be well-told and psychologically complex and I just--no. I can't continue to like or respect John with those thoughts in my head.
Yep squared.
My cake does not include any possibility of John-incest. Nope.
I have been thinking more on why it doesn't work for me, and it comes down to (ultimately), the only in character (to me) way in which I can see Dean going along with it, given his personality and his relationship with Sam, would involve so much emotional trauma to the character that I couldn't read it without going fetal, because it's a boundary I can't see him crossing without a lot of pushing in that direction, and one that once crossed, I can't see him recovering from well, if at all.
Or, longer story shorter, the Dean in my reading of the text is pretty much broken in the opposite way of the way that works for me. He's sort of the anti-River.
t OT
OMG, just read the Truckpreg story.
Am now broken from laughter. I love crack!fic.
Speaking of, pokes Plei
I could see Wincest growing out from the SPN backstory because the brothers have such an isolated relationship. Their links to community and family (aside from one another) are pretty nonexistent, and they're both so broken and dependent. I can buy stories that show that sort of metastasizing into a sexual relationship. Ending up as 80+ year olds in rocking chairs in Ye Olde Hunters Home holding hands, not so much. Then again, I don't see either of them seeing 80 no matter who they have sex with.
But this sort of runs aground for me when I watch the show and fail to see a sexual spark. Their on-screen relationship reads brotherly to me. I felt there was occasionally a vibe between Simon and River, and for that matter the Lex/Lionel sparkage was there if I squinted. But I just don't see it with the Winchesters.
This doesn't stop me from reading it if an author I like goes there. But I don't watch the show and get too OTPish about the boys. Dean/Impala, maybe.
I laughed until I cried at that truckpreg. I think I'm going to have to save that one as a link.
Anyone around who can give me a quick set of eyes on some SPN gen? Not plotty.
I've some eyes.
It's that or go get a tattoo.
Beta, tattoo, beta, tattoo...
One seems unlike the other, actually.