I was imagining you getting the shakes already. *g*
'Out Of Gas'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Today, there are no more beautiful words in the English language than
Most Recent Story From
! ! ! ! Minim Calibre ! ! ! !
I tried to do the Paul Gross Arms with pom-poms attached, but b.org doesn't like that so much, so ignore this post and think of Dean Winchester as a reward instead.
ETA: Wait, I bet I can...
I made Paul Gross Arms in my head. Real ones would upset the coffee cup, I fear.
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! ! ! ! Vehemently ! ! ! !
Teh yay! Now to make sure the whole thing doesn't accidentally erase itself.
I haven't picked up a pinch hit.
Most Recent Story From
! ! ! ! SA ! ! ! !
I don't know what to say except for *\o/*
but also:
147 stories posted in Yuletide 2006 so far!
damn. out of, what, seven hundred entries? jeez. And I thought I waited until the last minute!
I haven't picked up a pinch hit.
Hell, I'm doing my duty beta'ing this monster pinch hit for someone who shall remain nameless for a bit. Man, it's huge.
damn. out of, what, seven hundred entries?
According to the yuletide LJ, the story count got reset due to a freaky database glitch. Many more stories are there, none are lost, and they'll reset the counter after the madness is done.
ah-ha. good. that's much better.
no pinch hits for me this year. I had a hard enough time doing my regular. and I still haven't finished dwnoga, which is due tomorrow. *facepalm*