I've seen no particular need for justice for people not named Michael, though.
I'm blanking on the details of the scene, but there's one that they flashed back to a couple of times with little Linc promising something to chibi!Michael, and it seemed that everything spiralled out from that one childhood vow of brothers, or, if not--that it could be symbolised as such.
In which case, you could also reasonably spin it as an oath-keeping orientation.
I agree that Linc is very important to him, but I really do hesitate to write it to the larger "family", which, in this case, at this point, basically means LJ, I think.
you could also reasonably spin it as an oath-keeping orientation
Well, no, because I'm remembering it as an oath taken by Linc.
::exhausti(ve/ng) googling::
From English, Fitz or Percy:
The whole point to this flashback is to establish that on the day of their mother's funeral, an adolescent Linc promised the younger Michael they'd always stick together. And when Michael asked, "What if something happens to you?" Linc replied, "You just have a little faith." And yes, the whole point of this flashback is also that Michael remembers that sage lesson, even if Linc does not.
So, Michael takes the promise seriously and holds himself responsible for keeping them together even when Linc does not?
I think that Michael is definitely the most insanely obsessed (very very focused) of the brothers.
especially given their different orientations to LJ.
Okay, I really don't watch much of that show, because I spent a loooong moment wondering, Wait, they have blogs??
I am dum.
Michael takes the promise seriously and holds himself responsible for keeping them together even when Linc does not?
If we consider Michael assuming responsibility for keeping someone else's oath, then he is insanely oath-driven.
I just find it Occamishly simpler to make it a family thing.
It could also be a younger sibling thing - sometimes things get said that the older sibling doesn't necessarily understand is being taken as gospel by the younger.
Heh. I just found out that Kid Dynamo, the fanfic novel I wrote way way back, has its own extensive Wikipedia entry.
I am simultaneously touched and dumbfounded.
Theo, I edited to fix the link, as the auto link truncated it.
That's pretty cool, BTW.