I'm not sure it had DB's full support, though I do think he played along well enough. I've read severel pieces in which he says "ANGEL IS NOT GAY."
I've read a couple too. But I've also read his Out interview where he called for them to add a boyfriend for The Host , laughed about his agent intending to pick him up at that dog park before settling for signing him as a client, and most improtantly seen outtakes of him grabbing Alexis on set and humping away in front of the cameras as a joke. I really don't think he had any problem with all the homoeroticism on the show, though he may have gotten tired of being asked about it in interviews.
but I think I'm going to make Dana watch some anime in exchange.
Oh, hey, bring FMA so I can read Shan's story with some comprehension.
Oh, hey, bring FMA so I can read Shan's story with some comprehension.
Totally would have packed it anyway, la la la... I have the first 3 DVDs. 12 episodes aren't enough to fully appreciate teh hotness of Roy Mustang, but it's a good start.
So I've just discovered the new Doctor Who and turned into a raving fangirl with a mad Christopher Eccleston crush.
Any good fanfic out there?
Two LJs to check: tara_ljc and elke_tanzer. They should have all the links you need.
I believe she's taraljc, without the underscore.
She is; and her recs posts can be found here and here.
If you're feeling a little braver and will take unrecced material, some good stuff was produced for the ficathon, and an extensive (though not exhaustive) list of the fic produced so far can be found in my lj's memories, here.
I believe she's taraljc, without the underscore.
Crap. Clearly what I get for posting at 1AM after having spent the day stuck in an airport.