I really like Barkley's vids--the Babylon 5 vid she did for last year's Vividcon (Dancing in the Light) is particularly fun. She's got a less solemn touch than a lot of vidders, more willingness to poke fun at the show while still enjoying the hell out of it.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Not that I have a problem with people favouring the platonic view of their friendship, not in the slightest, but, but... Daniel's a surrogate for the son he lost????
I think that's a buyable interpretation of their interaction in the movie, for what it's worth--not as much as Skaara, certainly, but I don't think the writers gave him the last name of Jackson for no reason, you know? But, er, not so much nowadays.
As for vids... I think J/D is actually a tough pairing to do conversion vids for, because they aren't all that sexual onscreen. Most of my favorites pretty much assume you're coming with the slash googles pre-installed, you know? But here are some I've recced before. Mind you, some of these could be watched as friendship as well; depends on your point of view.
What If I Came Knocking
I Believe In a Thing Called Love, Nothing Without Me, Out Of My Mind
No More Sad Songs, So It Goes
Never Die Young
All I Know
Mmm, I love Bed. I think that's my favorite. Or tied for favorite, anyway.
Bed cracks me up, because for the length of the vid I totally buy that the three of them have the most uncomfortable triangle ever. And then Jack says "screw this, I'm gonna go have sex with Teal'c." Which, you know, I gotta say, so long as you avoid any potential vengeance issues he's way more low-maintenance than the other two.
for the length of the vid I totally buy that the three of them have the most uncomfortable triangle ever.
I know! It's pretty slick.
I don't think the writers gave him the last name of Jackson for no reason, you know?
I'd never thought of that. I'm of two minds of the assignment of motive, but it's interesting to consider.
Said guy was one of the test audiences for the movie, and in the original cut Ra lives and the stargate is destroyed. They said "Wouldn't it be cooler if the stargate survives and Ra dies? What about others of Ra's species?"
Off to watch vids.
Huh. I'd never seen Bed before--or if I did, I forgot. That was fun.
for the length of the vid I totally buy that the three of them have the most uncomfortable triangle ever. And then Jack says "screw this, I'm gonna go have sex with Teal'c."
Huh. Yeah, except the last scene is actually Jack and Sam leaving Daniel behind, which... kind of negates the whole point of the vid, I think. Unless I'm reading it wrong. ::tilts head in confusion::
Well, okay, yes. How about this: Jack's going off home with Sam but Sam totally knows that Jack will be sneaking out later to meet Daniel. Yeah, that's the ticket.
One of the things I love about vids like that is that it highlights how charged Jack and Daniel's interaction is, without necessarily being overtly sexual. It makes for happy fangirls.
How about this: Jack's going off home with Sam but Sam totally knows that Jack will be sneaking out later to meet Daniel. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Oh, okay, that works.
I'm such a literalist -- if I ever made a vid, it would be one of the ones that shows Rygel barfing when the lyric says "I'm sick with love," or some such thing. Oy.