I've honestly lost track of which character Michael is supposed to be in this story, with the whole crossover with "The Barbarian Invasions."
Or, wait, I think Michael's in it, but the character he played in the movie is also in it. Or something like that.
Did I mention that Nikita is basically the Ghost Whisperer?
Sam_storyteller wrote a bit of House/Harry Potter crossover. It's cute.
Oh, please let it be a House-Draco snark-off.
House-Snape snark is a good replacement, though.
"My name is Severus Snape. I am a wizard and a legilimens. This may hurt."
I need an introduction like that. "My name is Connie Neil. I am a writer and a Bitch. This may hurt."
Yeah, I don't think Draco is up for it. Not enough practice.
Although seeing Draco get smacked down with something like "Bzzt. Thanks for playing, Junior." would be funny, too.
...so where is all the hot Cadman/Katie fic? Because that girl/girl kiss was WAY hotter than the episode's boy/boy kiss...
I think the fact that Laura was in Rodney's body at the time serves as an effective barrier for the girl/girl stuff. It would be hilarious if Katie Brown found out though. (Also hilarious? Unless they tell her, she's got to think Rodney and Carson used to be an item after that dinner.)
But it was Cadman snogging the tonsils off Katie, damn it! Regardless of the fact that she was wearing a McKay suit at the time.
There should totally be femmeslash about that ep. Lots of it. In which Katie finds out, and there is comedy and sexy slashy goodness.
I mean, goodness, if John had been temporarily possessing Teyla's body, and Teyla had had an awkward date with Ronon, and John-in-Teyla had finally lost patience with her ineptness and snogged the bejayzus out of Ronon - and then Teyla and Ronon had very much never dated again...well, damn it, the slashers would have been churning out John/Ronon fic like it was going out of fashion.
Don't make me come over there and write it for you, fandom. Provide! Provide!
Well, something's churning all right. Mmm, Ronon.
Can I mention that I still watch the DC series finale about once a year, when I need a really good cry? I was all about the Joey/Pacey. That show is what got me watching the WB more closely (oh, I cringe in embarassment) and that made me watch Buffy as more than the occasional viewer. So I have thanks for it.
The prison colony story is so despicably good. God, sometimes I think Sep could write any broken and fucked up thing and I'd just beg for more. Actually, not thought but fact.
Fay, this isn't necessarily on par with reccomendations, but that I've found enjoyable enough to want to read again. It's not all McShep--gen, other pairings, etc. But there's 158 stories in there, so it might get you started?
I wrote 17 pages of fic and 10,000 words yesterday in three states, on two airplanes, and in my dorm room. I've never gone into writing farr like that before. It was kind of awesome, and the first time I've started *and* finished a story without having any kind of prompt or co-authorship in about two and a half years. It made me so happy.