is late to discussion
The moderators of the new_who lj comm (loneraven, hathy_col, and myself, with a little help from taraljc) ran a set of fic awards last summer, the Mauve and Dangerous Awards. There are a few pieces of badfic (and crackfic, some of which is my fault) in the nominees, but the winners do, in my opinion, represent the best in the fandom at that time. Hope that helps, Betsy.
Thanks for the links, Am-Chau. Who are you when you're ficcing?
And, WHOO! Lady Johanna Constantine writes Whofic!
Hey, Dana. I've finished
Second Sight,
and the lack of any D.I. Boyd/D.C.I. Tanner fic is killing me.
I blame you.
Right? Right?
Now I have to buy this so I can go back and see if they ever mentioned D.I. Boyd's first name. If you know what I mean, and I think you do.
see if they ever mentioned D.I. Boyd's first name.
Jack. From the description: [link]
Also: Woo-hoo, Second Sight fic!
I was pretty sure Tanner called him Jack once in the interview room, so that's well and good. Man, I could watch Boyd watch Tanner all day long...
I blame you, too.
Yay, blame!
I have both series 1&2 on DVD, so if you're balking at the purchase, feel free to give me a holler and I'll be happy to loan them to you.