Why do I do this to myself? If the author has unironically used the word "ficcies" in a sentence, delete the email and run far far away! Do not give in to the temptation to see just how bad it is!
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
FYI for all West Wing fanfic fans, Spitz the Cat has finally (after 10 months) added another chapter to her ongoing Joshua Monologues (I've linked to the NC-17 version). Probably the best AU Josh/Donna fanfic I've read.
Some kind of charming SGA CrackFic for your Saturday afternoon.
I think I've rarely had so much pure giddy fun in a fandom before.
Oh, that was hysterical.
What is it about SGA fandom that makes crackfic actually work as entertainment? I know that I'd be rolling my eyes if it were done with any other show's characters....
I think it's the cheerful admission that yes, I'm on drugs, but isn't it fun?
Yet I don't like such things in Farscape fic. Though, then again, the actual show had stuff way more twisted than what fanfic authors can normally come up with.
All of you bitches out now! Crichton is mine.
This is for calling me Sparky. [whhhp-pshh]
And this is for "Fluffy". [whhhp-pshh]
And this is for "Buckwheat." [whhhp-pshh] Whatever that means.
Hmm. Maybe it's that nobody sane can have much reverence for the source material? (In the SGA case.)
Duck, run.
A formal analysis of the mood-structure of hand-waving: two comparative cases. (Yeah, I don't know, but I get what you all are describing.)
Sounds like a good advanced literature paper, actually.
Came across a fantastic vid-analysis on the LJ vidding community. Complete with a response by someone who didn't get the point at all. Seems to think that one cannot have an opinion about a vid if one doesn't know the source. So I can't have an opinion on a story if I haven't watched the show? Huh.