I can totally see why fangirls would overuse "My Immortal" and "Closer." The only vids I have ever wanted to make are to Smithereens songs -- "Behind the Wall of Sleep" for Lilah and every man she was ever in a scene with, and "In a Lonely Place" for Cole/Phoebe. It's inexplicable to me, because I don't even like the Smithereens that much and I'm not generally shippy, but there you go.
'Not Fade Away'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
The only vid I've been tempted to make is an OT4 SG1 vid to Sting's "If I Ever Lose My Faith."
Vids I'd make if I could make vids:
- Smack My Bitch Up -- general female asskickery
- Outside -- Spike/Buffy
- It's Probably Me -- general best friendness
If I could vid I'd do a later AtS seasons Wesley one to Melissa Etheridge's "Into the Dark."
You've been beaten to "It's Probably Me", ita. There's a great L.A. Confidential vid to it. Boys beating each other up. Boys being reluctant partners. Boys learning to respect each other. Boys having hot sex offscreen.
Any chance you have a link, Dana?
Um, is it online, is it online...
Let me check.
Heh. Mine would be way more gen than that.
But that doesn't mean I'm not able to love that idea.
Though, now that I think of it, Wes/Gunn -- would rock that tune.
Ever since Plei mentioned (back in Season 5) Leonard Cohen's I'm Your Man as a Spike/Buffy song, I've wanted to see a vid of that.....
I'm proud. My fic converted somebody else to the Wire. Somebody in Baltimore needs to start paying me, I think.