Anne, generally I think it's been people flogging their own pre-existing issues under lock.
Ah. "Why doesn't the world see the righteousness of my vision" issues, then?
I'd be willing to bet that you'd find some if you surfed the Yuletide community friendslist. I'm tempted to go see!
I may have to check that out. I'm in the mood for that kind of silliness.
Last year, I wrote femslash for Yuletide. Well, a pre-femslash Mac/Veronica short anyway, back when VM was a rare fandom. Does this mean I don't hate cunt? That's good to know.
I... may need to explore that archive now. Yay.
"You bitches hate women" was a paraphrase, not a direct quote. Sorry.
"You bitches hate women" was a paraphrase, not a direct quote. Sorry.
No, I'm sorry, I've overstepped my boundaries.
An absolute Yuletide jewel: what happens next after I Capture The Castle. Not at all sappy.
I was just thinking that so far, the quality of the stories has been very high. I've hopscotched my way through about half of them, and haven't come across one real dud yet.
(And my recipient seems to have really liked her story, which made me do the Snoopy dance in my jammies.)
I've found that there are lots of fandoms whose source material I don't know. This makes me sad, and faintly embarrassed. However, of the stories I've read so far, they've been pretty damned good.
Meanwhile - yesterday I bought Shallott's book! And was VERY squeeful to see it displayed in various bookshops while I was shopping. I had to physically restrain myself from grabbing random shoppers and telling them they HAD to buy it.
My recipient liked her story too, which is all I really had time to hope for.
Tomorrow, god willing and the creek don't rise, I start reading.
Will someone please tell me the name of shalott's real book, and also the name she published it under? Thanks in advance!
Also, I read the Care Bears S&M story and am now SCARRED FOR LIFE.
edited for discretion:
email me ( thingsinvisibletosee at gmail dot com) and I'll give you the link to her official site. Isn't the cover of the first book pretty? Not that I (entirely) judge a book by its cover, of course. No no. I judge a book by the fantastic porn fanfic already produced by its author.
pauses to consider.
That actually sounds a trifle too dismissive; although God knows she can bring teh hot like nobody's business, my affection for her writing is due to its impact on my heart and head more than my libido. Having a hard copy of a bona fide honest-to-god published novel
by Shalott
here in my hot little is the source of considerable joy. I bounced and squeed involuntarily when I spotted the book in the shop (searching for it without any great optimism, as I was fairly sure it wasn't due out until January, and it's only a medium-sized bookshop),and then seeing it displayed on its own wee shelfy thing). I was beaming like a Cheshire cat at the salesgirl. Couldn't help it.
Now I just want to be able to walk into Waterstones and buy Herself's forthcoming novel (some of which I've already read, and, damn, it's GOOD) and my little cup will brim right over.