I'm fairly certain that my yuletide Secret Santee is not a Buffista.
So, is there anyone out there who would feel comfortable beta-reading a story set in the "Fables" universe? I won't have anything ready to send for crit for another few days, but I thought I'd start asking around now.
Anne, I've been reading Fables and I'd be glad to help.
eta: also not involved with the yuletide secret santa.
Thanks, Deena! I should have something to send along in a day or two
How far are you along in the series, BTW?
Somewhere in the 80s or 90s, chapter-wise, due to lack of time. Totally want to catch up once I'm done with Yuletide.
Somewhere in the 80s or 90s, chapter-wise, due to lack of time.
Aha. You've yet to get to my favorite chapters, then.
Dear heavens. One of my yuletide buddies got stuck with a request for a happy PWP. With mpreg.
One of my yuletide buddies got stuck with a request for a happy PWP. With mpreg.
I've had some challenge assignments that rivalled this.
Me, I've broken the 1000 word minimum for Yuletide, yet am freaking out like whoa. Mostly because I feel like I'm writing something boring.
Dear heavens. One of my yuletide buddies got stuck with a request for a happy PWP. With mpreg.
2 words. Aliens crossover.
I've had some challenge assignments that rivalled this.
I want to know and don't want to know at the same time.
I've broken the 1000 word minimum for Yuletide, yet am freaking out like whoa. Mostly because I feel like I'm writing something boring.
That's pretty much my situation as of 10:00 last night. You'd think that writing something for "Fables" would be a cinch for someone who majored in children's lit, but no. The story keepst turning into an essay. I have a feeling that only 400 or so of my 1,000 words are salvageable.
But it's not due yet, right? I still have time!