Hey, we have all of those things! We're just not allowed to film them. Fay, that's always been my tightly-held impression of Gross's character, too. I mean, it wouldn't be Fair and Just otherwise, would it?
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I met Paul Gross in person once. He was signing autographs after his band performed in this indie-concert thing in Toronto. He's even better-looking in person as if such a thing was even possible, and is v. flirty but not in a skeevy way. My friend Viviane told him her name to sign (I was just lurking in the backgroud, shyly stalker-like), and he said, "ahhh, Viviane with an 'e'! That's sneaky," then he twinkled at her, looking preposterously hot and boyish. We ran away from the premise and kind of screamed and squeed at each other afterward like a couple of 12 year-olds.
I understand he's been married almost 20 years to the same woman and has a couple of kids, and supposedly quite nice. Which probably isn't helping your case much. Sorry.
So basically Paul Gross is what you'd get if Ben Browder was Canadian.
Except Browder's a better writer.
(...if he's actually a lovely man who's good to his old mother and rescues puppies...look, just lie to me, okay?)
Well, he wears leather and smokes and curses, but by all accounts, I've heard he's a very nice guy, smart and funny. Musician, writer, actor, and perfectly willing to mock himself on TV. Was absolutely delighted by the concept of slash when an interviewer told him about it back in, dunno, the late '90s.
Still, I haven't met him. He could be evil.
I've heard some primadonna behavior reports thirdhand, but I'd tend to trust Vonnie's firsthand impression a bit more.
So basically Paul Gross is what you'd get if Ben Browder was Canadian.
Oh, that's just what I was thinking.
He could be evil.
True, but it's nice to think he's not.
Hey, we have all of those things! We're just not allowed to film them.
Oh, I know you have these things! But I have a hard time thinking of that movie getting to be made in the States these days.
steadfastly ignoring the possibility that Paul Gross is actually a good egg on top of all the other stuff.
A friend's doing a paper on fic in general, and slash specifically. She has a few questions up on her lj, if anyone has a spare few minutes?