Although I'm about to go to bed, but I'm excited to read it tomorrow!
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Insent! Thank you so much!
Oh heck! If you need a second GO beta, I'd be happy to!
I love you guys. juliana, insent! And thank you!
Since we're talking GO, does everyone know borealowl's Four Cups of Wine series? The last story is a WIP, but there's quite enough material to be getting on with.
Not fic, but fic- adjacent:
"Son, Your Mother and I Are Worried About the Quality of Your Supernatural Slash Fiction," by Nathan Kamal: [link]
Son, I want you to know that this isn’t a criticism. Your mother and I are happy that you’re getting your ideas for the sexual tension between the troubled angel Castiel and that wisecracking scamp Dean Winchester down on paper. That scene when they end up having to sleep skin to skin in Hell because Lucifer has extinguished its fires and they lost their clothes and they need to stay warm? That could have been straight out of the show.
Except for the penetration, of course.
X-posted with Supernatural
Hah that’s hilarious, especially given that the folk here have had babies who are all grown up now, since we met (!!!?!!!)
My kid writes fanfic now, that's how much time has passed.
Thankfully, not SPN.
Is there a prescribed length for something that's essentially a character study? Should I be concerned that I'm 4300 words in? I feel like I should be concerned.
Nope! Welcome to a common fanfic experience, aka "Wait, this thing is taking on a life of its own..."