Now, I can hold a note for a long time...actually I can hold a note forever. But eventually that's just noise. It's the change we're listening for. The note coming after, and the one after that. That's what makes it music.

Host ,'Why We Fight'

Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?

This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.

esse - Apr 04, 2020 6:44:02 pm PDT #10206 of 10434
S to the A -- using they/them pronouns!

If you ever go back and re-read, you might see my handle pop up in the notes occasionally. ;)

I wrote a bit for Magicians -- not a lot but I'm very proud of what I did write. Unfortunately the s4 finale destroyed the creative impulse I had for the fandom.


Steph L. - Apr 04, 2020 6:59:37 pm PDT #10207 of 10434
Unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe

I wrote a bit for Magicians

I am totally going to read those tomorrow, when I'm awake (I'm in bed and more than halfway to sleep by now).

Atropa - Apr 10, 2020 5:05:13 pm PDT #10208 of 10434
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.

In my fandom caters directly to my needs news: a few years ago, a writing duo I admire wrote a Penny Dreadful AU for Hannibal, complete with vampires. When I read the tags to Mr. Loomy, he wanted to know if it had been written as a present for me.

The same duo are now posting daily chapters of their latest (complete, thank goodness!): a Mary Poppins AU for Hannibal.

Topic!Cindy - Apr 24, 2020 4:06:38 pm PDT #10209 of 10434
What is even happening?

Hey, Snacky is looking for a fic writer with the handle CleanWhiteRoom from Stargate and Pacific Rim fandom. Details here: [link]

Dana - May 31, 2020 12:06:27 pm PDT #10210 of 10434
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

I just got a "more please" comment on a story from 2002. I admire their optimism.

askye - Jun 12, 2020 7:05:09 pm PDT #10211 of 10434
Thrive to spite them

Frustration is reading a really long fanfic series that I've totally gotten into and then realize at the last part it's a cliff hanger and hasn't been updated in a year. I subscribed but I'm doubting there will be anything else/

chrismg - Jun 17, 2020 7:16:46 am PDT #10212 of 10434
"...and then Legolas and the Hulk destroy the entire Greek army." - Penny Arcade

It's the eternal burden of the archive-trawler, askye.

erikaj - Jul 18, 2020 4:00:13 pm PDT #10213 of 10434
Always Anti-fascist!

I had a story that I finished after six or eight could happen.

erikaj - Aug 05, 2020 3:07:57 pm PDT #10214 of 10434
Always Anti-fascist!

Kind of pleased but surprised that my KO and Rachel fanfic is getting a lot of lve lately.

Consuela - Oct 23, 2020 4:07:38 pm PDT #10215 of 10434
We are Buffistas. This isn't our first apocalypse. -- Pix

If anyone wants to kill an entertaining couple of hours, check out Lindsey Ellis' two most recent Youtube videos, about a complete nutjob het A/B/O author (yes they exist) who is litigation-mad but also does not understand copyright law at all. I'm now at the point where the author is claiming that the OTW and EFF (and Courtney Milan?) are behind Ellis' videos, and it's all one big conspiracy to monetize the fact that this woman does not know how plagiarism or copyright infringement works.

Fascinating stuff, and Ellis is monetizing the shit out of it.

This is enough to make me long for the days of Fandom_Wank.