What, they don't rhyme with "velour"?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
What, they don't rhyme with "velour"?
Slodwick's Worst-case Scenario Challenge is over and the stories are going up. Story list is here: [link]
I've read a few so far: they're very cute.
Oh, HP fandom, do you make me snork. Summary Executions Part XXXI: [link]
Are these real summaries? I'm confuzzled.
Are these real summaries?
Yes. I'd hazard a guess that they're culled from stories posted at ff.net.
Suela, I need manners advice. How tolerant are people generally of late submissions? Cause, um, I forgot that deadline.
Senor Draco!
Don't know about late submissions. It's always worth a shot.
Here is a question for you computer-literate people. Now that I have a brand-new Lamborghini computer, instead of my old Model T, am ready to go and do mildly illegal things with pictures. I don't think I am psychologically ready for the brave new world of Aheming, but how about viewing vids?
(I have some on CD, thanks to Certain People, so I know that I can see some of them.)
I have the standard Quicktime/Real/WMP/Nero video-viewers, but know nothing about codecs and other secret passwords of the viddery world. Can someone point me to a good fannish primer to the technical details?
Also, a central clearinghouse of Which Ones Are Worth My Time? I have seen a couple reviewed and linked-to on LJs, but I wonder if there's a BSO or similar for vids?
I'd also get Video Lan Media player (VLC) [link]
It usually plays stuff that other programs don't and it's prefect for Quicktime vids. Personally I hate watching vids in Quicktime because the viewing area is so tiny. VLC's viewing area is bigger and doesn't sacrifice the picture quality. Also it plays AVIs which a lot of vidders are going to, the files are bigger.
There isn't anything like BSO for vids that I know about, not one place that recs just vids.
A good way to get vid recs is just to post in your LJ what fandoms you are interested in. Also Vividcon has an lj -- vividcon, and there are lists to links to the vids shown this year. There are a lot of vids and very good quality for the most part.
Lots of times I've found vids just by checking in the memories of lj users whose opinions I trust. People often have links to their favorite vids/vidders.
Some vidders pasword protect their sites but you jsut have to email and they'll give you the password.
What fandoms are you interested in?