There were a ton of excellent vids shown during Vividcon, but this closing multifandom vid for the Premieres by Gwyneth was one of the loveliest: [link]
'Dirty Girls'
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I got to see that before VVC the last time I was at Gwyn's and was so excited to see other people see it! (I am one of the many people who provided source--The Martian specifically for this, Star Wars despecialized for an earlier vid she made--and I am thrilled she was able to get it done. She'd been working furiously up to the wire.)
So many good vids.
Ahem. Tears. Any chance she'll put it up on AO3 so I can grab a copy for my personal archive?
She put it up on AO3 here but with just embedded youtube streaming. I don't see a download link...
She's still in Chicago--it'll go up probably a bit after she gets home.
So I'm watching The Outsiders, and there's an awful lot of "we're not like other guys, huh, Johnny," so I google "Sodapop/Johnny," and there's literally one story in AO3. Why is it all Dally/Johnny? I don't read a lot of fic, but that is surprising to me.
I wrote up an intro/primer to the k-pop band BTS and related fic for a couple of people here. If anybody else wants, I'd be happy to send it to you.
I also, after 20 years of not doing so, started writing fic. I don't even know how it happened.
(I finished the movie, and I get Dally/Johnny now, but still stand by Soda/Johnny!!!)
(Obviously I have seen this move before, but it's been years.)
The primer is great! I haven't gotten a chance to really delve in because I have been distracted by life stuff, but I would suggest it.
I think I was sort of in to Ponyboy/Johnny, but I didn't think of it as such t the time. But it seems like Ponyboy really saw how beautiful Johnny's soul was. Again, haven't read or seen since possibly the late 80's! But I remember reading at the kitchen table and just sobbing "Nothing gold can stay....Nothing gold can stay", and that poem still hits me in the feels because of it, even though Robert Frost was really sort of a distant type poet(see mending wall).