::kisses her bad, bad, wandering lost TiVo all over, then shakes it, bursts into tears, hugs it, and sobs furiously, "Don't you EVER do that again, you hear me? I thought I'd lost you!"::
::also kisses Hil up and marries her and has her babies and names them all "TiVo is Hil's Bitch"::
JZ, that's what I would have recommended. Turn it all the way off and then on again, unplug and replug, and if worse comes to worst, restart it if you can.
The one TiVo problem I had that wouldn't fix itself like that, I had to disconnect the network adapter before it would behave. Worked just fine when I reattached it afterwards.
Don't know if you're networked up, but it's a thought.
msbelle, I am SO BECITED FOR YOU!!!!2!@
Definitely take a week off. Or two! Probably two.
I was just writing about my nephew in an email, because his baseball team just made the NCAA SuperRegionals, and he came on the national sports! Now, I know he's talented and brilliant and gorgeous, but to see that the rest of the world knows it (or at least a small subset of people I don't know at all) is just so exciting!
xpost with Bitches, cause I'm just so tickled.
Anton Maxwell. Oregon State. Apparently they're called the three-headed-monster for their three great pitchers, of which he is one. My nephew. The monster head.
Well that is awesome! Also he has a great name.
Well, I kinda like it. Did I mention he was just on tv! (I know, easily amused and all that, but squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)
Do you have a screencap or anything?