I'm home. It's, like, hot and shit. But that's my fault, as I have yet to install my A/C.
Car question re: my '73 Mercury - should I:
- Have a mechanic replace the carb.
- Buy a rebuilt carb and install it myself.
- Rebuid the current carb myself.
- Convert the car to electronic fuel injection.
msbelle! Where are all your !!!!!!!!!!s????
Scotch might work.
Currently I have no scotch in the house. Which is a pity. Instead, I think I'm going to have a lie down, watch DVDs, and attempt to avoid further bodily harm.
oh I forgot !@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!1111
I have to eat brains now, right?
Good luck, msbelle!
Tommy, I think you should convert it to electronic yourself.
Tommy, I think you should convert it to electronic yourself.
That would be the most fun, but also the most expensive. Plus there's the added fear that as a result it wouldn't pass the smog test.
But the geekitude factor would be quite high as it would be programmed using a laptop....
Don't make me start looking at kittens!!!! Two is more than enough!
Yay msbelle!!!
now why would you have to eat brains?
kittens kittens kittens. petfinder.com
the bargains I have made with myself during this job search so far:
if I get this job AND it is a raise, I can get an iPod or a dress from fancy dres shop I have longed after for many years.
if I get a new job before this job is to end, I will try to quit early and do in a EAT THAT BOZO, sort of way.
if I can take off time between jobs, I will, and I will look into a cruise if possible.
when I get a new job, I will buy a new computer with the first month's pay.
when I am offered a new job, I will not take it until I see a written job description.
if I get a raise I will get DSL at home.
now why would you have to eat brains?
Isn't that what the undead do?
msbelle, I wish all those things for you.