I think you answered your own question.
Wait, people out there actually enjoy repetitive whining??
Shoot, I could get myself paid for that.
I think original Trek was cheerfully illogical, and I enjoyed it in all of its clunky, mod, metaphorical glory. TNG was apologia for the American concept of empire. The rest of them, I don't know, although everything outside of DS9 seemed not to have a unifying theme at all.
My new loveseat is being delivered tomorrow!!!!
I love my friends for this more than I can say. I love them. I'm writing loveseat haikus.
What's the appropriate tip for the delivery guys? It's an $85 delivery charge, do I tack on 20% and divide it between the two? Give each dude 15%? Hand each dude a twenty?
I'd say $10 each if they're just delivering, $20 each if they're putting it together.
The so-called Texan Beef Chili I got for lunch has a distinctly Cincinnatian flavor to it. I am pleased.
Yay loveseat! You should take a picture of it before it gets Ruby-fied. I wore black pants today, of a material entirely incompatible with the current state of dog hair in our house.
(I've never tipped delivery guys. I feel like a bad person. I tip movers, though)
The only time I've remembered to tip delivery guys is when they've also hauled something out for me. I do go endure a heavy dose of self-recrimination afterwards, though. That's good, isn't it?
I've never tipped furniture and appliance delivery guys. Pizza delivery I tip. I've never had movers to tip. Every time I move the thought process is, we'll get movers to take care of the heavy stuff and then we just end up renting a truck.
I didn't tip my last set of movers. They'd broken my piano, so I was too busy crying to work out a tip.
Moving pianos is a bitch.
Edit: Having a piano be broken must be heartbreaking though.