Sorry to hear about that, Betsy.
They stole a craptastic TV, a 10 year old CD player, a cheap clock, a pillow case, and few other odds of ends of little value.
When my car got broken into, they stole my owners manual. That one just had me scratching my head.
I had someone steal one of my manuscripts once. Were they looking for porn?
Welcome Hayden! Congrats Sheryl and family.
When my car got broken into, they stole my owners manual. That one just had me scratching my head.
That happened to me once. They broke the window on my convertible (rather than just unzip the back window) and stole my owner's manual. I figured they couldn't find anything actually worth taking, and didn't want to leave empty-handed.
It was later that my battery was stolen when my car was parked in a supposedly secure lot. Twice.
My friend's car was broken into once and they left a briefcase in the trunk.
We tracked down the owner of the briefcase (I guess they had stolen it from his car and ditched it in hers) and a group of us (all female college roommates) brought it back to him. Late at night in suburban Boston. We dressed as ninjas and had some wacky homemade weapons with us in case he was not on the up and up. But he was just an office working dude. We ended up watching Letterman with him.
When my car got broken into, they stole my owners manual. That one just had me scratching my head.
My brother had his recently totalled car broken into. It was sitting right next to the working car of similar vintage with the sound system and carseats and whatnot.
He figures the burglar probably was in desperate need of a few melted crayons and a moldy sippycup.
Actually, it was most likely something scary- a revenge burglar-ation. My brother called the cops on some asshole who was firing an AK-47 (no, not kidding. My brother knows his guns ) into the air in the middle of the street a few months back and has gotten some strange attitude from people in the complex where the gun guy lived.
They're looking for a new place to rent.
Eek! I guess they would be.
Congratulations and punctuation to those that deserve and need it--I'm never gonna catch up.
They're looking for a new place to rent.
Understatement of the year. I hope they find a safer location soon.
I hope they find a safer location soon.
Yeah, me too. He downplays everything, while his wife...does not. But she's not panicky so I'm less concerned than I might be.