I am on a quest so unbelievably embarrassing that I must share it with the hivemind.
Many years ago, I saw the Bacon Brothers live in concert because they were opening for the Nields. They were hilariously bad. In particular, they played a song about a friendship that tried to evolve into a Relationship and then went pear-shaped that was called "The Light Bulb That Thought It Was The Moon." This song is the Plan 9 From Outer Space of bad country music. And I can't find it anywhere. Not only can't I find a sound file of it, I can't find any evidence that I didn't make it up. Maybe they only played it the one time. In any case, I now must have it, and I can't find it, and I'm frustrated.
I know the conversation has passed, but I just thought of another great misheard lyric:
"Don't chew on me, Baby" for
"Don't you want me, Baby?" by the Human League.
Not too bad. How's it going with you?
I'm here momentarily.
Missing a week of Spanish? When they are covering subjunctive (which you kind of know) and future, which you've never studied is TERRIFYING.
Not bad. We got a second computer that can go on the Internet today. My laptop may actually get fixed soon. I need to start looking for housing in Baltimore, and we're going to be in Seattle in a couple/few weeks.
Hi Kat! I hope you can catch up without too much trouble.
Second computers are good, Debetesse. How many people use them? When do classes start? yay for Seattle. I am going there next month.
My family, so 4 (but, mostly, 3). Once I get mine back, it'll be about 1:1.
Classes start July 27th.
I've got to figure out the where's for the trip. Hotel and stuff to see (at least a tentative list)
I think I understand 70%. So if I can learn another 5% then I'll at least pass the test next Wednesday. Ojala que pase la preuba.