Kat gave me a skin that fits my 40GB. It's blue, and pretty.
That was for a G4 one though. Does it cover the buttons?
Also, love my shuffle!
So, I'm listening to Terry Gross interview the guy who's in charge of the PTC, the watchgroup that is workign to get sex, violence and something else out of TV.
What's interesting is he was just going on about offensive "filth" on basic cable. I agree that I wish cable would do a la carte options. But cable? OPTIONAL. No one makes you buy it, buddy. Sure, it feels that it's not optional because in X number of places, reception is poor or whatever. But it's still a service you subscribe to not one that is broadcast willynilly.
Also, the PURSUIT of happiness does not mean a guarentee of same.
Also, you aren't protected from being offended by the government. And you probably shouldn't be since offensiveness is mostly objective.
I want to bop him on the head.
I really am naive, because I still can't quite accept that there are people who really, truly believe that shit, who believe they are the handpicked to shape society.
You were in a FAC. This should be less news to you than it is to me.
My ex-FAC wasn't concerned with influencing politics, though -- they were strictly man-to-man defense when it came to saving souls. Their agenda was all about shoving the bible down people's throats getting people to accept Christ and become Christians. Their view was that politics would take care of itself.
Bah. Crazy people.
Also? Those people make my fucking skin crawl.
The far right wingnuts are scary, but in a way it's the normal people I know that say that really separation of chruch and state is a myth, and that this is a christian nation founded by christians that make me more nervous.
OTOH, I think the far right christians don't have deep support. I believe that the votes come from abortion and gay-rights opposition, not the agenda of the crazies.
What's interesting is he was just going on about offensive "filth" on basic cable. I agree that I wish cable would do a la carte options. But cable? OPTIONAL. No one makes you buy it, buddy. Sure, it feels that it's not optional because in X number of places, reception is poor or whatever. But it's still a service you subscribe to not one that is broadcast willynilly.
The head of the FCC is on record saying that he wants the FCC to regulate cable TV.
Gud, I agree. The existence of crazies doesn't phase me. It's the less-crazy people who don't see the harm who scare me.
Ugh. It just makes my head hurt.
Also, I'm all for regulating cable TV. But regulation should happen in the home, by the parent.
You don't want your kid watching MTV? Okay. then don't get cable in your home. It's a simple solution. But saying you have to have cable because kid wants the Disney Channel and you're upset about MTV? ARGH. Mad-making.
Frankly, I'd rather they regulate GE produce or dumping standards more than TV.
You don't want your kid watching MTV? Okay. then don't get cable in your home.
Or you can use your V-chip.
Or don't let your kid watch tv alone.
The far right wingnuts are scary, but in a way it's the normal people I know that say that really separation of chruch and state is a myth, and that this is a christian nation founded by christians that make me more nervous.
Yep. One of the things that's made me the most nervous was a caller on (I think) Bill O'Reilly's show last December, when he was going through his whole "Take back Christmas" thing. Someone called in to agree that this is a Christian nation and so there shouldn't be any restrictions on any Christmas celebrations of any sort, anywhere, and to back up his "this is a Christian nation" point, said something like, "Go to Arlington cemetary, and count the crosses. Then count the stars of David."
Or don't let your kid watch tv alone.
Yes. This.
I wonder how many of the people who are whining about the standards on TV have kids who each have their own television in his or her bedroom.