The point is that if it's carried on the X, then whether a man's father is bald has no correlation with his eventual baldness or not.
Emily is right about the gene that these folks found. The interesting thing is that there is a modest correlation between baldness in fathers and sons that is inconsistent with this finding. It could be that there is another gene of more modest effect that is not X-linked. But another possibility is assortative mating. It could be that women whose fathers are not bald may be less likely to choose early balding men as partners. This would create a correlation between the genes in the maternal and paternal line. It is clear that this happens for traits like intelligence and height, and it could happen here too.
It is clear that this happens for traits like intelligence and height, and it could happen here too
Women with smart fathers or tall ones choose smart or tall mates, you're saying? Is this linked to whether or not they're smart or tall?
Also, how early is early -- a significant portion of these women choosing after baldness has manifested?
What IS IT with Madagascar?!
It is the lemurs. They are like very attentive, fuzzy people. Who bounce. What's not to love?
I just remembered my trauma of yesterday. I did not have any Girl Scout cookies this year. Samoas are my favorite. At the cookout I was at last night, someone brought a box of Samoas. And I forgot to eat any. WTF?
kat and Kat! I hardly ever get to post with any of you, let alone with the two of you together. Now I want you to agree on something that I think is correct, so that I can write that I agree with k(K)at. Because it's all about me.
ita, you're going to Kenya? That's awesome! When? For how long?
Cindy, if there's a blessing on the whine, it should have "oy" in it.
She did, however, read from the Torah during the dinner afterwards.
Actually read from the torah, or talked about that shabbat's part of the torah that's read on the morning service? Also, if she had actually read, did she do it in front of men? From the actual 'big' official torah book (that doesn't look like a book at all, but rather like a big scroll)?
Actually read from the torah, or talked about that shabbat's part of the torah that's read on the morning service? Also, if she had actually read, did she do it in front of men? From the actual 'big' official torah book (that doesn't look like a book at all, but rather like a big scroll)?
She read a passage in Hebrew, and it was in front of men, but not from the actual Torah (I forgot that part -- it was just a sheet of paper).
Mid-September, Nilly. I'm currently playing around with Travelocity and trying to remember I'd budgeted for this already. Because, ouch.
Dude. That's almost worth having a baby for.
Damn. Why aren't I independantly wealthy, so I can buy that for Plei & Princess Tickybox?