(((Nilly))) Just 'cuz. We're doing ok. The biggest initial shock was the speed in which he went. He's not in pain anymore, though, and that's a very big something. Thank you.
Running to the store to pick up the pictures my almost 3 year old niece took at our dinner before we got the news. Within a five minute lesson, she'd learned to hold down the flash and wait for the light, scroll the picture, not put her finger in front of the shutter, and to line people up in the little window. While I may be biased, I maintain she is the smartest baby in the world.
{{Nilly}} Wishes for quick completion of your report and a well deserved sleep to you.
Also, I just bought a boxed set of the first three seasons of Alias from Ebay.
Good plan.
looking at links now...
Thanks, Nilly. I have lost some weight.
Suddenly I am incredibly tired -- maybe something to do with not sleeping for a month while these jerks squabbled. I think its nap time.
Trudy, so sorry about your job. That just plain sucks. I'm sure everything will work out with Firm C, but the waiting is awful.
Dear Tuesday,
Please for to stop sucking. If impossible for to stop sucking, please for to start sucking in enjoyable way.
So there's this rumour that a gunman is holed up in the Simi Walmart. I don't know if this means they've lifted the roadblock/check thing on the 118, but still. Copters circling.
Rumour also has it that it's
suspects from the Thousand Oaks shooting.
Can I go back to LA, where it's safe.
That sucks! Were you to be fired anyway, or was it just because you said something?
shrift! You've also been in my thoughts a lot lately. How is your father doing?
Dear Tuesday,
Please to behave nicely to shrift. You were not nice to me, so you owe me. Since I hardly have any Tuesday left, please to pay this debt to shrift.
Monday and Sunday still owe me, too.
That sucks! Were you to be fired anyway, or was it just because you said something?
It was just because of what I said.
Dear Tuesday,
Please for to stop sucking. If impossible for to stop sucking, please for to start sucking in enjoyable way.
Can I add my signature? I wasn't even in 2 hours and things were getting escalated.